Friday Night Hockey Alive and Well
Missing: Manny's Hockey Shop's Game! Mannys cannot seem to find a win or their game. 401 consultants on the other hand, Found theirs and completely walked Mannys to the basement. The Femme Fatales were the story as Kelley Hoover and Shannon Caverly traded goals for the respective teams. Brian Beck didn't get a goal but was instrumental in the win and had 3 assists. Kevin Barells had a wide open opportunity and answered the knock on the door.
Game 2 all you have to say is Richie Dias. That is all you have to say. Richie got the sombrero and the only goals for Roman Law. That is all they needed. Sean Smith spoon fed a couple to the magic hands of Dias who finished. Roman Law Beat Final Touch in a 3-1 dog fight. No goals in the third for either team.
MSCCC had Pete Sanchione and Kreg Labelle doing carrying for the load for the car care center. Vescera Law tried as the might could not get anything going but never gave up.
Great night of hockey !
See you all next week.
Live, Breathe, Love....................Hockey