
Its a beautiful day for a wedding.

July 27, 2024

I will start with a blessing for our friends Shannon and Derek. Today is the big day. 

An Irish Blessing for Derek and Shannon's wedding. 

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Now on to the hockey action!

The first game was a back and forth adventure between Final Touch and Quick Dam. Let's put it this way, subs got 2 out of the 3 goals for Quick Dam and Final Touch's sub got one as well. So, subs were the difference in the game. Honestly, the goalies were awesome on both ends of the ice. Mike Baro and Zach from a little town in Colorado Rossetto. In the first it was actually 2-1 in Favor of Final touch. Quick Dam would get the party started with a goal by Eric Yusack. Quick Dam would respond, with a goal by Kreg Labelle. Late in the period, Evan Hugandkiss would get one as a sub for the touch and all were jubilant. Early in the Second Mark, the new guy, popped one in for Quick Dam. The game was tied for quite sometime after that. Halfway through the third, Shawn Smith would rally the troops and get the game winner. 3-2 Quick Dam. 

Game 2 was a bit one sided. Manville Pizza and Vescera Law went at it. In the first it was one nothing MPP with Ryan Degnan getting the party started. Next it would be 3 nothing after the second with Ben Hevner and Ryan getting a goal each. I sense a theme. In the third, 4 more goals by MPP Ryan, Ben, OHH Greg Landry got one. Thanks for sharing Ryan and Ben. And then Ben again. Wait, Vescera got one with 15 seconds left. I think this is a runaway season for MPP. But I am hopeful for the Playoffs to even things out. 

Boring last game. Jeez a tie. A freakin tie really. Votta Props vs. Green Goddess. Votta had this thing all wrapped up in the second 2-0. Ricky Votta put his team on his back early on. Kevin Bartels would get number 2. not saying it was a poop, it was a second goal. In the third Goddess would get on the board early with a goal by Brian Cormier (hey neighbor). Votta would stretch the lead 3-1. Goddess was not giving up. Nick Nardone and Adam Babikian would tie this one up with a goal each. But that was that and you kissed your cousin. Not even your second or third cousin. Hey stop kissing your cousins. yeah so 3-3 Votta and Goddess. 

So that is it, 2 weeks without a story and I write this garbage. Jokes on you for reading it. 

Have a great day!

LIVE, BREATHE, LOVE...........................................................HOCKEY!!!