
Manville Pizza wins Championship!!! Completing an Amazing Season!

August 19, 2024

It is always bitter sweet when a season ends. Friday started with some amazing games. 

Final Touch was eliminated by a 5-3 loss to Manville Pizza. The vaunted Pizza's first hurdle to the prize. At one point in the game, with under 4 minutes left, the game was tied 3-3. MPP would find another gear and make it 4-3. With 15 seconds left, MPP's Ben Hevner would pop the empty net goal to say goodbye to their first challenge. 

In game two of Friday, Green Goddess would go against Quick Dam. This was a really close one. Goddess would seal there position in Saturday's contest, beating Quick Dam 5-4. Rob Edlemen and Mark Kosinski each with 2 goals to get over on Quick Dam. Larry Lefebvre and Shawn Smith would get a couple each for the Dam. By Keeping it close, they punched a ticket to the wild card position. 

The late game had Votta Property get over on Vescera Law. Votta would end up with the 5-3 win. A hat trick by Andy Morrison would place them in game 2 of the playoffs. Shane McCormick, Kevin Webster and Ed Cardoso would get the 3 goals for Vescera, but not enough to keep the season going. 

In the semi-finals. A wild first game for Manvilled Pizza and Quick Dam. This was a very close game, coming down to the end. The 6-5 game was apparently crazy. Ryan Degnan carried MPP on his back with a Hat Trick. Quick Dam spread the goal tallies around the team. Steve Lombardi got a couple. Larry Lefebvre, Mike Thomas and Ben Mello all getting goals. Manville continues there magical season with the 6-5 win. 

Green Goddess would go head to head with Votta Properties. Goddess would get over Votta 7-2. Ricky Votta and Andy Morrison would get the goals for Votta trying to extend their season. Goddess had too much fire power in this one. Mark Kosinski getting a Hat Trick. Adam Babikian with 2. Bill Babikian and Nick Nardone would round out the goal scoring. 

On to the finals!!! Manville Pizza vs. Green Goddess. 

Manville Pizza had one loss in the season. While at the same time Green Goddess was in the two spot for most of the season. Stands to reason, these two would be head to head for the ultimate prize. At the end of one, 3-2 MPP. Frank Nardone, Greg Landry and Ryan Degnan getting the puck in the net. Rob Edlemen and Mark Kosinski getting the goals for Goddess. In the second, there was no give by any team. With one Minute left in the game, Rob Edlemen would tie it up. Ben Hevner for MPP Would have the answer just 14 seconds later. A goal that would vault Manville Pizza to the top. 4-3 was the final. Manville Pizza are the CHAMPIONS!!!!! Congratulations.