Welcome back from the break
401 falls to Final Touch, Manville is downed by Vescera and Mannys loses to Roman.
And now for a break.
With the season half over the teams are starting to assert themselves.
Manville Palace Pizza remains 2 points ahead of Roman Law. The Red LAW keeps winning and keeps pace in the second spot.
Vescera Law comes back to stay tied in the standings with Final Touch and on the scoreboard tonight.
MSCCC helped out everyone ahead of them. 401 seems to be that Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hockey i mean Hyde teams.
Manny's did not lose! Because they didn't play.
Our Sincerest Sympathies
The whole Friday Night league offer our sincerest sympathies and condolences to the loss of the Labelles father.
Why hate global warming? This is awesome!
mannys lost, so did msccc and the final game was a tie.
Hockey and Can JAM? Can Jam Still? STILL!!!
Warm weather continues. Well warm enough to play can jam. Or kan jam
Black Friday! Well at least for 3 teams
Vescera Wins, 401 Consultants wins and Manville wins
Top of the Standings Assert Themselves
Final touch, Roman Law and Manville Pizza Get big wins.
Happy Halloween
Manny's out of the cellar. Vescera Law and the Consultants skate to a tie and Pizza falls to Final touch.
Last weeks news was weird right? French but not Woonsocket French
Manville wins big/Tie of the titans, with Vescera and Final going at it/MSCCC back to winning with Shannon as a C player
Vendredi soir le hockey or Friday night hockey
Vendredi soir le hockey or Friday night hockey