
Happy Memorial Day!

May 25, 2024

Happy Memorial Day! It means to most of us, the beginning of summer. The entrance to warmer days and soaking in the outdoor world. Please remember what it really means. It is to honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Thank you to all who have served and who are serving in the United States armed services. 

Now on to your regularly scheduled programming. 

Quick Dam is up and coming. The team on paper looks like the favorite. We do not skate on paper. This time they did get over Votta Properties. Three goals in the first by Steve Lombardi, set the tone. Votta answered with a goal by Andy Morrison, set up by big Sexy Ricky Votta. This duo would get a second one in the second to make it 3-2. In the third, a break away by Shawn Smith, impressing his lovely wife and scoring to put this one away early in the third. Larry Lefebvre and Brian McCarthy would get points for Quick Dam. The basement is less dark this week as QD gets the win 4-2.

Now on to the Ties. Yep, some might say a tie shows how competitive and even the teams are this season. Well there is a caveat to that. Like you were at Jersey Mikes. 

Green Goddess and Manville Pizza tied. Pizza was up 3-1 in the first. A couple of goals by Ryan Degnan and one for Ben Hevner on the Manville side. Mark Kosinski for the Goddess. In the second Kosinzki got a beauty to make it 3-2. In the third, all goals were scored by number 15. 1 for Manville, that would be a sub. See Jersey Mikes. And Two by Rob Edlemen and his fancy stars and stripes socks. Robbie had 2 late ones to make it 4-4 and that was it. 

Hi Welcome to the Third game. Guess what another tie. Hoe Hum. Vescera Law and its band of subs, versus Final Touch and 2 subs. Yep, just 2. One was super important. Shannon Murphy had an awesome game for Final. For Vescera Law, Pete Meegan started the scoring. A beauty past the blocker side. 1-0 for a while. Mid second, Final Touch would answer with a goal by Scott Reilly. Vescera would go ahead again, in the second, making it 2-1. In the third, a scratch and scrape goal to tie it up by Kreg Labelle. That would be it, 2-2. 

I tried to make it sound better, but still a couple of ties. 

Thank you again for all the Men and Women that have and are serving in the military. Special thanks to those who had made the ultimate sacrifice and why we have Memorial day. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend and week. 

Live, Breathe, Love........................................................HOCKEY!!!