
Help, I am stuck in a computer and I need to get the words out!

June 1, 2024

So, I don't know how to start this article. I guess I will just get into it. 

Vescera Law versus Green Goddess in game one. Both teams had no score in the first. In the second, a breakaway by Peter Meegan would crack the egg. Goddess would get the tying goal 2 shifts later. Adam Babikian would take care of business with Craig Pizzo on the assist. In the third, Vescera heated up. An early goal and game winner by Shane McCormick from Sammy Woodward and Kevin Webster. A very late goal to seal the deal by Raf Manzo from Doc Manzo, would make it 3-1 and the game. Vescera Wins

Manville Pizza Versus Quick Dam. In the first, Quick Dam would get on the board. Ben Mello from Larry Lefebvre. Larry always gets points. An Early goal in the second from Mike Thomas from Shawn Smith would make it 2-0 Quick Dam. A third unanswered goal by 17 for quick dam from Rich Laplante had Quick Dam feeling great about themselves. But wait, Manville got started. Ryan Degnan would light the fuse with Paul Praderio on the assist. Next Ben Hevner would get a goal, passed by Ryan Degnan. Then it would be all tied up with seconds left by Degnan from Hevner and Jay Cinq-Mars. In the third Ryan would complete the hat trick with the game winner from Hevner. Hevner would get the next one, Ryan the next one and then Ryan with his fifth. Cinq-Mars had 4 assists. Selfish bastards on that line wouldn't even set up Jay. So, yeah, Manville won 7-3. 

Ahh, we made it. Late game baby. Votta Properties versus Final Touch. Votta would get on the board late in the first. A beauty back door goal by Ricky Votta. In the second, Final Touch would answer. Craig Labelle would put a scorcher in from Shannon Caverly, great pass Shannon. Late in the period, it became tit for tat. Derek Franco would would get on the board and get the Votta lead again. Scott Reilly would tie it up once again, tucking in the goal from Shannon Reilly and Steve Owens. Hevner filling in on the Property would get them ahead again. Not for long. Steve Owens would tie it up again for Final Touch. Late in the period, Frank Nardone would part the seas from the D zone and get the GWG. Frank was on lone from the Pizza in an emergency. Shannon Reilly would get the next goal and end up with a goal and 2 assists. A late goal to seal the deal by Glen Marshall would seal the deal 6-3 Final Touch. 

Hope everybody is doing great this morning. 

If you have no Plans Next week Wicked Rhode with their new Guitarist, will be at Hillside Johnny's in Norton on Saturday the 8th. 

I hope you all have a great week. Beautiful days are here and coming, enjoy every minute.

Live, Breathe, Love.........................................HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!