The Matty Chronicles: Episode 9 : Resilence
November 11, 2016
Final touch comes back! MSCCC has Epic second half and Manny's gives up 3 early and cannot come back!
The Matty Chronicles: "Manny's Comeback"
November 5, 2016
Manny's and Final Touch Comeback to beat there opponent, while Roman Law and Green Goddess skate to a tie.
The Matty Chronicles: There is a Cluster at the Top
October 29, 2016
4 way tie for the tops in the league
The Matty Chronicles: The Pizza has Risen
October 23, 2016
Pizza Rolls, Mannys Folds and Roman Law gets the Final verdict
Derek Signoriello's New Home: MANNY'S CUMBERLAND
September 27, 2016
Derek Signoriello is now running the Cumberland Manny's Hockey Shop.
Please make sure you pay him a visit!
The Matty Chronicles: Week 3: They Grill Rain or Shine
September 24, 2016
The Matty Chronicles continue.